Imagine waking up to an email inbox full of new leads and prospects who want to train with you.
Imagine having reliable systems to run your fitness business so that you never have to stress out about where your next client is going to come from.
And imagine having a business that’s fun to run, highly profitable and known around town as THE place to go for the best fitness training.
You’re a great trainer. Your clients love you and they get amazing results…
…but you need more clients, better marketing, and more profits so that you don’t have to feel like you’re running around just to make ends meet.
If you allow me, I’ll show you how to fix your fitness business, dial in your client attraction funnels and teach you how to structure your business so that it’s competition proof and massively profitable.
PLUS I’ll show you how to systemize your entire fitness business and turn it into a near automatic profit-generating machine so that you can spend more of your time helping your clients and enjoying the rewards of running a profitable gym or boot camp.

This 61 second video does a pretty good job explaining how I can help you add another $100K a year (or more)
to your personal training or boot camp business.
See, I’ve Shown Two of America’s Largest Personal Training Facilities How to Grow their Profits to Combined Revenues Exceeding $50 Million Dollars a Year.
I’ve Helped Thousands of Individual Trainers Build 6-Figure PLUS Businesses, and Taken Dozens Beyond the 7-Figures a year mark…
In Other Words, Helping Fitness Professionals Like You Market and Sell Personal Training, Group Training and Boot Camp Programs is What I do— it’s My Life’s Calling.
And Now, YOU Have the Chance to get all of my “in-the-trenches-proven” Detailed Business Building and Client Getting Blueprints So That You Can Build a Massively Profitable Fitness Business!
From Bedros Keuilian
Dear Success-Minded Fitness Professional,
My name is Bedros Keuilian and I’m the personal trainer that generated millions of dollars by personally selling over 25,000 personal training sessions a year– for 5 straight years!
You probably won’t believe this (So I included the proof down below), but one time I sold exactly $89,705 in personal training programs in just 43 days– breaking every stereotype that trainers can’t earn high six figures… and here’s legitimate proof:

Sure that was impressive…
A few years back I was on a mission to build and grow my own massively successful fitness training gyms. And in just a few years I accomplished my goal!
But today I’m on a completely different mission— I’m on the prowl for you.
You’re the fitness professional who is more than ready to learn better strategies and techniques for attracting, selling, and retaining paying clients even while on a tiny budget.
Competition is heavier than ever and that means you’ve got to figure out how to out-market, out-sell, and out-earn your competitors or face going broke.
Here, answer these two questions and I think you’ll see what I mean:
Haven’t you ever looked up at the multi 6-figure producing fitness experts and wished you had their PROVEN and RELIABLE marketing, sales, and business secrets?
Yes? OK, so how would you like to generate as many clients as you need to fill up your schedule just by applying the right strategies and tactics within your business?
For example…
I can show you how to turn Facebook into a client getting funnel that generates consistent and reliable leads and prospects into you fitness business.
I can also show you how to quickly build a sizable email marketing list of local prospects so that you can always have “clients on tap” whenever you need them.
So what are these Multi-Million Dollar Training Business Secrets that I keep going on about?
I’ve spent years studying and collecting secrets from some the highest producing and most profitable companies, as well as hugely successful sales and marketing experts.
I applied these secrets to my business and I was blown away by the success that I had…
…then I shared them with my coaching and consulting clients and just like me, they turned their struggling businesses into really profitable gyms and boot camps.
Like I said, for a while I was simply applying those secrets to my personal training business model– that’s how my income soared ahead of my competition and it’s how I’ve build my international franchise Fit Body Boot Camp – with hundreds of locations worldwide.
But you don’t care about that, right?
My business isn’t important because it’s you and your business that we need to talk about. Your business is struggling just to break even and stay afloat.
Or maybe you’re making money, but not enough to live the lifestyle you want– or maybe you’re just burned out from being overworked and need a way to get your business systemized so you can have time off and still make a good living.
I’m coming to you with a giving hand— all I want is for you to understand these secretes so you can stop struggling with a failing business that’s getting eaten up by competition and start building a business with reliable income that supports the lifestyle you want.
Now, since working as a fitness business consultant I have helped thousands of individual trainers and large facilities alike attain reliable, predictable profits.
It’s also important for you to know that I’m not just someone selling you fitness business information. Like you, I’m a fitness pro. I’ve owned personal training businesses, built them up, and sold them for a massive profit.
I’m now the CEO and founder of Fit Body Boot Camp franchise. But I’m also a location owner – so just like you I’m in the trenches.
The reason I’m sharing this with you is because it’s important for you to know that I don’t just preach this “marketing and business” stuff, I also practice it EVERY DAY.
Listen, I’ve done a lot of things in my life and career but what I’m absolutely best at is helping, teaching and mentoring personal trainers and fitness pros just like you.
I’ve used my massive franchise, coaching workshop, mastermind programs, live events, training products, videos and books to help thousands of everyday fitness professionals gain an unstoppable edge over their competition and build hugely profitable training businesses…
I’ve coached and mentored trainers from 39 countries and shown them how to master the art of marketing and selling fitness– helping them attract and close more cash-paying, long-term clients…
And I’ve even worked with two of the fastest growing personal training companies EVER– helping them grow their combined revenues to over $50 Million a year each…
I think it’s about time YOU got in on this!
To help you succeed faster and get you access to my strategies, tips and secrets, I’ve compiled thorough and detailed step-by-step manuals plus 9 jam-packed disks full of videos, audio interviews, ready-to-use marketing materials, reports, postcards, YouTube marketing strategies, search engine optimization techniques, and multiple Facebook marketing tips and shortcuts that all work together to get you new clients each and every week.
Here’s the deal: when the “average” personal trainer tries to market himself he always ends up frustrated and burning tons of cash as he searches for more clients using all the wrong methods…
…but not all trainers do business like this.
There is a select group of fitness professionals (you know, the competition you always see with all the clients and money?) who have adopted my systems and mastered my proven fitness marketing strategies. That’s why they’ve been out-marketing, out-selling, and out-performing your business.
But finally, for the first time ever, you’re in a position where I can show you how they do it.
I think it’s time someone told you… Here’s the cold hard truth about why your business is struggling:
You’re a fitness expert– and I’ll bet you’re a damn good one.
But—and it’s not like you haven’t tried—but you just can’t seem to get enough clients to provide the income and lifestyle you want. (Believe me, I know how frustrating that can feel.)
I know as well as you that if you could just show people the value of your training they’d be hooked for life! But your problem is that you can’t get those people to come in and try you out. You can’t get the phone to ring, no matter how you try your email inbox won’t blow up— and walk-ins? Forget about it!
See, there’s nothing wrong with your training. The actual problem you’re facing is finding those people out there who are already primed and ready to buy from you.
You need messages and systems that…
- get people to see you as the real solution to their problems before they even meet you
- get your clients and circle of influence to start sending you referrals…consistently
- create marketing campaigns that don’t leave you broke and discouraged every time
- cut through all the crap and finally position you as THE local fitness expert, once and for all, so prospects will seek YOU out instead of you having to chase them down
Before, I only taught the most valuable client getting secrets to my top paying mentorship and mastermind clients because they pay $28,000+ a year to access my knowledge.
When I set out to create the PT Business Course I set the bar really high for myself. I was on one do-or-die mission: to create your Fitness Business Bible. This is by far the most thorough, detailed, and thought-out program for helping you create, manage, and profit from a fitness business.
Like I said, in the PT Business Course I teach you (step-by-step) over 40 of my most powerful client attraction systems, techniques, and strategies once only reserved for my exclusive coaching clients.
You’ll get the “what” and the “how” of creating killer marketing systems and campaigns that easily pull in clients with precision and consistency.
You’ll even get all kinds of marketing material that’s ready to use, right away. I’ve done all the heavy lifting for you so that all you have to do is swipe, send, and get more clients.
Best of all, 18 of the 42 marketing systems are considered no-cost and low-cost strategies— you’ll get all the clients you need without wasting tons of cash on dead-end marketing.
Here’s a brief overview of what you’ll get:
- How to build a large and reliable email list that guarantees you always have all the
- Learn how to market online, build a website, and actually get clients from social media
- The social media marketing funnels that flood your boot camp or personal training business with new clients and new profits How to use cross marketing techniques to get rave reviews from fellow business owners and professionals
- How to position yourself as the undisputed local fitness expert in 90 days or less.
- How to condition your clients to consistently bring lots of referrals that grow your business
- Three fatal marketing mistakes almost every personal trainer makes– and how to fix them
- How to attract serious buyers and avoid tire kickers so that all your prospects are ready to buy
- How to market and sell fitness on Facebook so that your business is constantly growing
In addition to all that I’m going to hand over 42 ready-to-use marketing campaigns, tested and proven to get conversions over and over again.
- 4 ready-to-model Facebook squeeze pages
- 5 proven Facebook ads that get clients
- 4 ready-to-use lead generation postcards
- 6 ready-to-use print ads and lead generators
- 2 ready-to-use, three day sequential email campaigns (both have generated over $7,000 in three days for many of my coaching clients)
- 2 ready-to-use referral generation emails
- 3 ready-to-use email campaigns that will flood your boot camp or studio with boatloads of new clients from Facebook and from your email list.
Picture this…
Imagine you have a referral based marketing system so powerful that your clients, their doctors, and their circle of influence alone send you more ready-to-sell prospects than you can handle!
Imagine waking up and checking your email to find 10, 15, or 20 new clients – all generated from your Facebook funnel.
Imagine the profits you’ll generate with a reliable marketing system proven to repeatedly capture new lead, prospects, and clients.
Imagine what it would mean to you to increase your selling ability by 300% to 500% – while easily overcoming buyer objections that always used to stump you.
Imagine you’re giving a sales consultation so powerful that your prospect instantly feels an overwhelming sense of urgency and desire to join your program.
Imagine you’ve increased your client retention rate by 1,650% and know that you have month after month of growing, predictable income already scheduled to transfer straight into your account.
Here’s the deal: I’ll send you the best information you can get anywhere for increasing the number of clients and income that you generate, because I have created the fitness business program that has literally made tens of MILLIONS of dollars for some of the biggest names in the industry
- How to finally understand Facebook’s complicated marketing features and master social media marketing strategies.
- How to create instant credibility and position yourself over your competition.
- Effectively structure your price plans to create more sales.
- How to get any prospect to call for more information.
- How to increase the number of times a client buys from you.
- How to create additional backend sales.
- The 5 words to say to uncover a buyer’s REAL objection.
- How to overcome buyer resistance by following 3 easy steps.
- The 7 steps of the sales process that you MUST follow in order to close a deal.
- The 31 words to use that automatically increase your sales success.
- The 24 words that WILL absolutely KILL a sales presentation.
- How to craft a sales letter that pulls clients like magic.
- Do away with billing and back-office problems forever.
Further, I’ll Reveal Secrets That Teach You How To:
- Structure a win/win pay plan for your personal training staff that will lead to more income for the entire team.
- NEVER have to ask a client for payment again.
- Purchase ‘almost new’ equipment for 70% below retail.
- Successfully apply the recurring payment model to your business.
- Create a fitness website that markets, sells and earns cash while you sleep.
Normally, when trainers want to learn what I know, I charge $28,000 for a mastermind membership or $12,000 a day for private consulting day. And that’s nothing compared to the value and increased profit they receive from my training.
And I know that $28,000 makes me out of reach for many everyday personal trainers still trying to reach their first $100K – $250K. But I find that extremely unfortunate because you could utterly transform your business with these tips, lessons and secrets.
It’s foolish for me to keep this from you. I mean, heck, it’s borderline unethical for me to keep these secrets hostage and not allow you to access these incredibly powerful tools. That’s why I’m letting my entire course go for $597.00.
That’s a fraction of what I usually charge for this information. Heck… the first two clients you get from using my system will more than pay for this entire thing.

Don’t worry though, there’s something in it for me as well…
You’re probably wondering why I’d give away a truckload of my best fitness marketing gems and business systems for so little considering I charge $28,000 for my mastermind coaching programs. It’s actually all part of my evil scheme… See, once you get your hands on the benefits this course provides I know you’ll come back to me again and again for all your fitness business needs. So I figure the more I can help you get more clients and make more money, the more you and I can do business together!
It’s a win-win for both of us. You build your fitness income exponentially and then I get your continued business.
Just bear with me here because I want to show you everything you’re going to get when you scroll down to the bottom of this page and click that Buy Now Button.
With Your Permission, I’m Going To Send You All of the Following:

Exclusive Access to the Art of Selling Fitness Secret Video Vault
This online vault of incredibly valuable videos is stocked with a massive wealth of resources all designed to help you market and operate a more efficient, more profitable business.
These videos contain my most exclusive and powerful marketing secrets but I’m willing to grant you access because that’s how dedicated I am to your success.
You’re also going to find invaluable guides to marketing and advertising on Facebook.
If you’ve ever been confused about how you can make money and get clients from Facebook then I’ve got some good news for you: my buddy and marketing master, Josh Carter, has 3 hours of video content that explain everything you need to know about marketing on Facebook.
These secrets alone are worth 5 times the price of this entire package! (And no, I’m not exaggerating, that’s how much money you’re going to make off this information.)
This is where you’re going to learn how the top trainers use simple marketing methods to get tons of new clients and sales. It’s where you’re going to learn the newest and most cutting-edge business operations systems that maximize your profits. And this private Video Vault is also where you’ll discover the secrets to staying motivated to dominate your competition and GSD.
In the Video Vault section you'll find:
- Getting Leads from Facebook
- Getting Clients from Facebook
- Advanced Facebook Marketing How-To
- The Best Facebook Funnel
- Fitness Marketing Basics
- Why Your Fitness Marketing isn’t Working
- Boot Camps vs. One-on-One Training
- The Mindset of Success
- The $151K Body Transformation Challenge
- Low/No Cost Marketing that Actually Works
- How to Get Clients from Email Marketing
- Marketing to the Affluent
- Get them to Pay, Stay and Refer
- The Immigrant Edge
- How to GSD
- Personal Training Sales System
- Competition is Unhealthy, Domination is Immunity
- Become the Local Fitness Expert in Your Area
- Lead Generation, Sales and Closing
- Finding, Selling, and Closing New Clients
- Staying Motivated and Never Quitting
- The Client Feeder Program
- The Secret Marketing Mindset Exercise
- List Building Tactics 2.0
- Lead Box Marketing Autopsy
- The Keuilian Method
- The Power of Leverage
- Grass Roots Marketing
- The Suspect, Prospect, Client System
- Ninja Email Marketing Tactics
- How to Dominate and Build Front Of Mind Awareness
- Plastic Referral Card Secrets
- Facebook Lead Generation Secrets
- Squeeze Page Secrets
- Awesome Websites vs Crappy Websites
- Direct Mail – The Wrong and Right Way
- The Foot Soldier Method
- Ultimate Killer Website Conversion Tip
- How To Make Things Happen
- Drive Targeted Traffic to your Website with Facebook Ads
- Increasing Website Conversion with Video
- How To Hire Trainers and Get Them to Pay You
- How to Do a SUPER Grocery Store Tour
Listen, I’m in a position here to help you immensely and offer you something that no one else can… I’m about to hand you the guide to creating your own financially secure, competition proof, personal training business– just like I have done over and over again for thousands of other fitness professionals.
You get everything I’ve listed above for a small investment of only $597. To order simply click the Buy Now button below and you will be taken to a secure page where you can get your copy of the Personal Trainer Business Course that has helped thousands transform their lives and businesses.
Invest in my program, use the strategies and techniques that I teach you, and if you don’t make the profits I’ve promised you then simply call my office at the number below and I will issue you a FULL refund. And I’ll even have FedEx come by and pick up the course from you on my dime. Fair enough?

Order Your Personal
Trainer Business Course
Whether you’re an independent trainer, boot camp or studio owner, or you just want to get out of the health club scene, this is the program that will help you build the business and the systems that bring in huge profits.
It doesn’t matter if you’re completely new to the industry or a seasoned pro– this is the program that will enable you to break past the barriers and limitations that have been holding you back all this time. So don’t wait another minute, Order Your Course Right Now.
Committed To Your Success,
Bedros Keuilian
(800) 261-0208
PS. Look – 6 months from now you could be nothing more than half a year older, or you can be on your way to extraordinary personal training profits. You decide. There’s nothing to worry about because you’re protected by a full 365-day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. So Order Your Personal Trainer Business Course risk free!